Collection: Fiction

Fiction is any creative work, most notably any narrative work, that depicts imagined people, events, or locations in imaginative ways. Thus, fictional depictions are discordant with history, actuality, or believability. Buy best Nepali fictions in Australia with Australian Pathak.
  • Autobiography

    An autobiography is a personal account of someone's life written by that... 

  • Essays

    Essay books contain collections of written works that explore various topics and... 

  • Fiction

    Fiction is any creative work, most notably any narrative work, that depicts... 

  • Novel

    A novel is a long, fictional work of literature that is typically... 

  • Philosophy

    Philosophy books are written by philosophers who are experts in the field... 

  • Poetry

    Poetry books contain collections of poems written by a single poet or... 

  • Prose

    Prose is a type of written language that is characterized by its... 

  • Romance

    Romance books are fiction that explore romantic relationships and emotional attachments. They... 

  • Self-Help

    Self-help books offer guidance and advice for personal development and improvement. They... 

  • Short Stories

    Short story books contain collections of fiction stories, usually shorter than novellas....